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Clan Russell (Tartans, Crest) and The Story Behind

By ScotsTee Shop


Clan Crest: A goat Passant, holding in the month a thistle, Proper

Clan Motto: Che Sara Sara (What will be, will be)

Historic Seat: Aden, Aberdeenshire

Clan Chief: None, armigerous clan

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Russell Clan History

Russell, also spelled Russel, is thought to have personal rather than territorial origins. The name appears twice in Scots with the prefix 'dictus' and never with the prefix 'de'; it is thought to be a diminutive of rous, which means'red'. In fact, Chaucer refers to a fox as 'Daun Russel' in one of his stories because of its reddish color.

Between 1164 and 1177, Walter Russell witnessed a charter to the Abbey of Paisley by Walter filius Alani. Between 1180 and 1220, John, son of Robert Russel of Doncanlaw, granted these lands in pure and perpetual alms to the Hospital of Soltre.

In 1259, Robert Russel witnessed a composition concerning the lands of Threpland, and in 1296, another Robert Russel pledged his allegiance to Edward I of England by signing the Ragman Roll in Berwick.

In 1310, Andreas dictus Russell was listed as bailie of Aberdeen, and in 1376, a William Russell was listed as a tenant in Dalfubill.

On Glasgow's High Street, Jerome Russell, a Greyfriar, and John Kennedy were both burned at the stake for heresy.

Rossell, Rousel, Rusel, Russale, Russall, Russaule, and Rwsall are some other surname variations.

Russell Places & People

Soon to come

Russell Tartans

The Tartan of Russell

Russell Crest & Coats of Arms

Russell Family Crest

Crest Description: A goat Passant, Proper, holding a thistle in the month.

Coats of Arms for Russell:

A word about Coats of Arms:

A coat of arms is granted to an individual under Scottish heraldic law (with the exception of civic or corporate arms). A 'family coat of arms' does not exist. With the exceptions noted above, the arms depicted below are personal arms. Only the person who has been granted these weapons has the right to use them. 


Coat of Arms of Russell

John Russell (1710-1771), 4th Duke of Bedford, coat of arms

By ScotsTee

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