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Clan Cheyne (Tartans, Crest) and The Story Behind


Clan Crest: A cross pattée fitchée, Argent

Clan Motto: Patientia Vincit (Patience conquers)

Historic Seat: Esslemont Castle, Aberdeenshire

Clan Chief: None, armigerous clan

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Cheyne history

The Cheyne Family allegedly derives its name from the Buckinghamshire Cheyne or Cheyney family, and the name originally derives from Quesney in France.

Aberdeenshire's Inverugie Castle remains. The original castle was a wooden motte-and-bailey structure built in the 1100s by the Cheyne family.

 Ricardus de Chenai witnessed Hucredus filius Fergus' gift to the Hospital of St Peter of York between 1158 and 1164.

In the 12th century, the Cheynes built Inverugie Castle near Peterhead.

Around 1200, William de Chesne witnessed a charter of William the Lion.

While serving in the King's service overseas in 1230, William le Chen was protected.

Three members of the Reginald family held important positions in the 13th and 14th centuries.

Prior to 1370, Margaret Chein received a charter from David II for the lands of Strathbrook and half of Caithness (coins from David II's reign are shown above).

Freskyn de Chen was decanus Aberdonensis in 1321, and Henry le Chen was bishop of Aberdeen for 46 years (1282-1328).

Sir Reginald de Chen petitioned Edward I in 1305 for two hundred oaks to build his manor of Dufhous.

Clan Cheyne Places & People

This section is currently being researched.

Clan Cheyne Tartans

There is no registered Cheyne clan tartan; however, as a sept of Clan Cumming, those with the Cheyne surname are permitted to wear the Cumming tartans.

Red Cumming


Ancient Cumming Hunting


Modern Cumming Hunting


Weathered Cumming Hunting

Clan Cheyne Crest & Coats of Arms

Clan Cheyne Coat of Arms

Worn by everyone with the same name and ancestry

Description of the Crest: 

Argent, a cross pattée fitchée

Coat of Arms of Clan Cheyne

A word about Coats of Arms:

A coat of arms is granted to an individual under Scottish heraldic law (with the exception of civic or corporate arms). A 'family coat of arms' does not exist. With the exceptions noted above, the arms depicted below are personal arms. Only the person who has been granted these weapons has the right to use them. 

Inverugie CHEYNE

Argent, a bend between six crosses fitchée, Azure

By ScotsTee

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