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19 Fun and Interesting Bagpipe Facts You Might Not Know

Bagpipes are a fascinating, versatile instrument that is loud, bold, and patriotic. The shrill of the pipers reached the front lines of war, cultural festivals, modern concerts, and even the Queen's summit. 

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A bagpipe is a manifestation of difficult ease; so simple in design, yet so complex in sound! With a rich history full of twists and turns, there are many bagpipe facts you probably didn't know. Let's look at a few of them.

The History & Origin of the Bagpipes

1. Bagpipes were once literally skin bags.

Bagpipes were once literally skin bags - ScotsTee

It sounds terrible, but it's true. Bagpipes were originally made from the skins of dead animals such as smaller goats or sheep.

The carcass of the animal would be cleaned and turned inside out. (Yes, the humidity inside this thing was out of control!)

The pipes were then made from hollow stalks or bamboo and installed and sewn where the neck and limbs had been.

Today, some people, particularly Maltese Zaqq pipers, may opt for skin bagpipes.

However, synthetic leathers, plastics, and metals are simply more convenient.

2. The Queen of the United Kingdom has a thing for bagpipes. (allegedly!)

There's a long-running legend about the Queen's fondness for bagpipes.

The shrill of a bagpipe band playing under her window is said to wake England's Queen instead of regular alarms.

This pipe session lasts approximately 15 minutes. 

Francesco Sultana represented the Queen at the Commonwealth Heads of State Summit in 2015.

Sultana played a Maltese Zaqq, which is a bagpipe made from the emptied carcass of a goat... Lovely!

See more: Everything You Need to Know about Scottish Clans?

3. Bagpipes Were Used as War Instruments 

During the First and Second World Wars, Scottish soldiers would frequently march into battle to the sounds of bagpipes.

Bagpipes, military generals reasoned, would frighten the enemy.

This custom is thought to have begun during the Battle of Culloden, when Scottish pipers marched to battle while playing.

Every battle soon had its own line of pipers, and the Highland Regiment wouldn't go into battle without pipe music.

4. Pipers can be heard from ten miles away.

Because of their high volume, pipers preferred The Great Highland Bagpipes (GHB) in battle.

Their music is said to be audible from up to ten miles away!

It's no surprise they were used to instill fear among the enemy lines.

Other pipes, such as the Borderpipe and Irish Uilleann, have a more moderate volume level.

5. "Brave" is the most popular bagpipe song in Scotland.

Although bagpipes are not inherently Scottish, many of the songs we know and love originated in Scotland.

"Scotland the Brave," an unofficial Scottish anthem, is one of the most popular bagpipe songs. 

The patriotic anthem is now frequently heard at military ceremonies, graduation parties, and even FIFA events.

See more: How many Scottish clans are there?

6. Piping is not innately Scottish.

It's a common misconception that bagpipes are only found in Scotland.

There are numerous theories as to where the bagpipes originated, with its history spanning the Balkans, India, Libya, Sweden, and Egypt.

However, it is believed that the bagpipes were brought to Scotland by invading Romans. 

Yet, for some reason, bagpipes are associated with Scotland. Perhaps it's the piper's kilt?

7. More pipers live in New Zealand than in Scotland.

More pipers live in New Zealand than in Scotland.

Despite having historical roots all over the world, bagpipes have become synonymous with Scotland.

Despite being a uniquely Scottish instrument, Scotland does not even have the most pipers. 

New Zealand has so many pipe bands that even the police force has one!

The band performs at major events to boost the morale of both cops and the general public. 

8. A Bagpipe's volume cannot be adjusted.

Pipers, ironically, cannot adjust the volume on their instruments, and bagpipes lack dynamics.

Instead, you can only change the speed or lengthen the tones. 

Silencer bags are used by some pipers to reduce the volume.

The best way to make a pipe quieter is to get a smaller pipe altogether. 

9. Piping was outlawed... Twice

Piping was outlawed... Twice

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Following the Reformation in the 1560s, the British government outlawed both piping and wearing the kilt. 

The second ban was imposed following the 1745 uprising in Scotland.

Because bagpipes were considered war instruments, many pipers were hanged for possessing them.

10. There are no note breaks in bagpipes.

Bagpipes are aerophones with at least one drone pipe, which means that when you start playing, a constant stream of air flows through the drones.

Because drone pipes are not controlled with fingers, the notes are continuous.

Unlike many other musical instruments, there is no space between notes.

Instead, pipers can use grace notes to distinguish between tunes.

11. Bagpipes only have one pitch.

Aside from the drone pipe, a bagpipe has a melody pipe known as the chanter.

This chanter has nine notes: low G, low A, B, C, D, E, F, high G, and high A. 

Because bagpipes lack dynamic range, it is impossible to change pitch or play in different keys.

Every pipe has its own configuration, and you simply have to work your way around it.

The bagpipe has traditionally been played at around 440 Hz for the A note pitch, but many pipers nowadays prefer sets in the B/C range.

12. Bagpipes require moisture control.

Moisture is unavoidable in synthetic bagpipe setups due to the flow of warm air condensing.

Moisture control systems protect the chanter pipe wood from deterioration.

Humidity can flatten out some notes, especially B, C, E, and F.

A bagpipe, on the other hand, should not completely dry out.

To prevent splitting, pipers prefer to store their instruments with a cork at the chanter.

13. The Piper's Pose Is Important 

When learning to play the bagpipes, you must adjust your posture and understand how to hold the pipe and where to place your fingers.

There is also a method for left-handed pipers.

Most bagpipes can be played standing up or even while walking; however, Uilleann pipes must be played while sitting.

14. You are not required to pipe with your mouth.

19 Fun and Interesting Bagpipe Facts You Might Not Know

Bagpipes are aerophone double woodwind instruments that make sounds by forcing air through a reed.

However, maintaining a constant air current is not always easy. Anyone got asthma? 

To play the bagpipes, you don't need to be able to blow air with your mouth.

Cauld Wind Pipes are a type of bagpipe that is played by blowing air into them rather than using bellows.

15. There’s a Special Indoor-Bagpipe

Smallpipes are Cauld Wind pipes that have a lower volume level.

A traditional Smallpipe has roughly the same volume as a clarinet. 

Below-blown Smallpipes are frequently used for indoor piping or practice.

They are even more cost-effective than larger-volume border pipes.

So, if you're just starting out, we recommend going with a Smallpipe to save money and keep your neighbors happy.

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16. It is possible to play bagpipes in the rain.

Pipe bands are frequently required to perform at public events and marches.

A piper will have to survive an event in the rain sooner or later.

Rain can obviously damage the wood in the drone and melody pipes, but the best thing to do when it's running is to keep playing!

If the airflow stops, water seeps into the pipe's body, destroying the tune.

During breaks, pipers can also turn their pipes upside down.

17. Altitude Makes Piping Easier

The higher you go above sea level, the easier it is to pipe because there is less resistance when blowing the bagpipe in a thinner atmosphere.

On the downside, elevation can sometimes mean low humidity, and wood can crack and split in extremely dry air.

Some pipers use ice cubes, corks, or airtight bags to keep the moisture in. 

18. AC/DC Singer Learned Piping in a year

Bagpipes aren't just for violent historical themes; this adaptable instrument has also made its way into rock and roll music.

Indeed, AC/DC's singer Ben Scott piped in live concerts for much of his musical career.

Kevin Colon taught Ben Scott to pipe in about a year.

Colon was later asked to film the music video for "It's a Long Way to the Top" with the band.

19: The Bloody History of Bagpipe Songs

Bagpipe songs are not all created equal.

Some are triumphant patriotic anthems, while others are vengeful arson stories.

A Flame of Wrath for Patrick MacCrimmon is a traditional Highland bagpipe song with a dark undertone.

The song tells the story of a Genleg Piper who sets fire to his entire village to avenge his brother's murder.

It's bleak stuff.

See more: 17 Well-Known Scottish Castles and the Clans that Occupied Them

Bagpipe Facts in Brief

Understanding your instrument is the most important thing you can do as a musician.

Before you can master a musical instrument, you must first master its posture, maintenance, and history.

In any case, March 10th is National Bagpipe Day.

Maybe after learning some bagpipe facts, you'll start practicing for a spectacular performance right away?

Topic: 19 Fun and Interesting Bagpipe Facts You Might Not Know

By ScotsTee


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