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Clan Gibbs (Tartans, Crest) and The Story Behind


Clan Crest: A pelican in her nest, feeding her young, Proper

Clan Motto: Pandite Coelestes Portae (Open ye Heavenly gates)

Region: Lowlands

Clan Chief: None, armigerous clan

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Gibbs Clan History

The surname Gibbs derives from a personal name.

A Johun Gibson surrendered Rothesay Castle in 1335, and there is a record of a Thomas Gibbeson breaking his parole, for which he was charged, in 1358.

In 1425, William Douglas, a Henry VI hostage, had John Gybbessone as a servant, and Thome Gibson was recorded as having land in Dunfries in the same year.

Thomas Gibsoun was present at an assize of the lands of Gladmor (Gladsmuir) in 1430.

In 1451, David Gibsone witnessed the signing of a charter in Glasgow, and John Gibsoune was chamberlain of the burgh of Glasgow in 1496.

In 1473, a merchant named John Gibson was granted papers of safe conduct into England, and he may be the same person as John Gybson, who was a recorded factor and attorney in the same year.

A John Gypsone was a tenant of James Beaton (1473-1539), archbishop of Glasgow, in 1514, according to records.

William Gibsoun was a witness to an instrument of sasine in 1525, and David Gibson was bailie of the burgh of Dysart in Fife in 1543.

In 1521, a Dauid Gyb was a member of an assize at Cupar, and in 1585, an Elizabeth Gib was recorded in Craigmakerane, Tayside.

The Gibsons of Orkney and Caithness were originally from Edinburgh, whereas the Gibsons of Durie appeared in the early 16th century and held their lands until 1785.

Robert Gib was the burgess of Linlithgow in 1622.

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Gibbs Tartans

Gibbs Tartans

Gibbs Crest & Coats of Arms

Clan Gibbs Crest

Crest Description: A pelican feeding her young in her nest, Proper

Coats of Arms of Gibbs:

A word about Coats of Arms:

A coat of arms is granted to an individual under Scottish heraldic law (with the exception of civic or corporate arms). A 'family coat of arms' does not exist. With the exceptions noted above, the arms depicted below are personal arms. Only the person who has been granted these weapons has the right to use them.  

Vicary Gibbs, 6th Baron Aldenham, arms

By ScotsTee

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