Clan Moncrieffe (Tartans, Crest) and The Story Behind
Gaelic Name: Monadh Craoibhe
Clan Crest: Issuing from a crest coronet Or, a demi-lion rampant Gules, armed and langued Azure
Clan Motto: Sur Esperance (Upon hope)
Origin of Name: Gaelic, Monadh Craoibhe (The Hill of the Sacred Bough)
Clan Badge: Oak
Lands: Perthshire
Clan Chief: The Hon. Peregrine Moncrieffe of that Ilk
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Moncrieffe Clan History
The name Moncreiffe is derived from the feudal barony of Moncreiffe in Perthshire and is of great antiquity, possibly descended through a female stem from the Celtic royal dynasty. The lands are named after the Gaelic phrase "Monadh Croibhe," which means "hill of the sacred bough." The clan badge depicts an oak tree, which is most likely the aforementioned sacred tree!
The clan Moncreiffe's heraldry is the red royal lion on a silver shield, which is also the colors of Maldred, Duncan I's brother. This connects the family to Ireland's ancient royal house, that of the great king Niall of the Nine Hostages.
Despite not having the spectacular and kaleidoscopic history of some Scottish clans, the Moncreiffe family was frequently influential in Scottish and international affairs. The young King James III was Chamberlain to one Laird of Moncreiffe, and the Moncreiffe clansmen fought alongside James IV at Flodden. Among the family's other notable accomplishments were the births of three renowned Scottish judges and an Episcopal Bishop of Glasgow.
One branch of the Moncreiffe family participated in the attempt to restore Sweden's deposed King in 1574, while another branch of the family founded no less than three noble French families!
Moncrieffe Places & People
People of Clan Moncrieffe
Charles Kenneth (C.K.) Scott-Moncrieff (1889 – 1930)
Scottish writer best known for his English translation of most of Proust's La recherche du temps perdu, which he published as Remembrance of Things Past, a Shakespearean title. Scott-Moncrieff's magnificent Proust translation (volumes 1–6 of a seven-volume set) has established him as one of the greatest translators of all time.
William Scott-Moncreiffe was born in 1922.
From 1977 to 1982, he was a member of Parliament and the Under-Secretary for Finance in the Department of Health and Social Security.
Moncrieffe Tartans
Tartan Moncrieffe
Moncrieffe Crest & Coats of Arms
Clan Moncrieffe Crest
The crest is issued from a crest coronet. Gules, a demi-lion rampant, armed and langued Azure
Coats of Arms of Moncrieffe:
A word about Coats of Arms:
A coat of arms is granted to an individual under Scottish heraldic law (with the exception of civic or corporate arms). A 'family coat of arms' does not exist. With the exceptions noted above, the arms depicted below are personal arms. Only the person who has been granted these weapons has the right to use them.
MONCRIEFFE and his ilk
Argent, a lion rampant, Gules, and an Ermine chief.
By ScotsTee
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