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Clan Murray of Atholl (Tartans, Crest) and The Story Behind

Murray of Atholl

Gaelic Name: MacMhuirich

Clan Crest: On a Wreath Or and Sable a demi-savage Proper wreathed about the temples and waist with laurel, his arms extended and holding in the right hand a dagger, in the left a key, all Proper.

Clan Motto: Furth fortune and fill the fetters

Origin of Name: Placename, Morayshire

Clan Badge: Butcher’s broom

Lands: Atholl

Clan Chief: His Grace The Duke of Atholl

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Murray of Atholl Clan History

The first Earl of Atholl was created in 1629, and the Murrays reached the pinnacle of the peerage in 1703 when they were elevated to the rank of Dukes of Atholl. Lord George Murray, the younger son of the 1st Duke of Atholl, was a well-known Jacobite general. Historians generally believe that if the Jacobite army had been led solely by Murray, the 'Old Pretender' would have won the Scottish throne. The Highlanders of Atholl did not fight again until the Battle of Culloden, but the chiefs' ceremonial guard remains the realm's only private army.

When the second Duke of Atholl inherited the sovereignty of the Isle of Man in 1736, the Murrays of Atholl expanded their lands, and the Atholl arms still display the trimacria, the island's symbol, to this day.

When James VI granted the Murrays the lands of Scone in 1600, the Atholls gained even more prestige. They built the magnificent Scone Palace here, which is still the home of the Earls of Mansfield today.

Murray of Atholl Places & People

Clan Murray of Atholl People

Walter Murray, Sir

Sir Walter married an Oliphant heiress and rose to the position of Lord of Bothwell. He was one of Scotland's Regents and oversaw the construction of Bothwell Castle.

Sir Andrew Murray died in 1297.

Fought for Scottish independence alongside Sir William Wallace. He was killed in the Battle of Stirling Bridge, and Wallace assumed command of the forces. Historians generally believe that if Murray had lived, the war against the English would have ended in favor of the Scots. Murray, George.


Murray, George

Lord George Murray died in 1760.

Lord George Murray was the great Jacobite general and architect of the 1745 rising's early successes. He fled to the Continent after Culloden and died in exile in the Netherlands.

Murray, John (1715-1777).

As Prince Charles' secretary, John Murray arrived in Scotland in 1745. He was captured after Culloden and taken to London, where he was persuaded to save his life by turning king's evidence. He became known as "Mr Evidence Murray" after that.

Murray of Atholl Tartans

Murray of Atholl Historic

Modern Murray of Atholl

Weathered Murray of Atholl

Murray of Atholl Crest & Coats of Arms

Clan Murray of Atholl Crest

Crest Description: On a Wreath Or and Sable, a demi-savage Proper wreathed with laurel around the temples and waist, his arms extended and holding a dagger in the right hand and a key in the left, all Proper.

Coats of Arms for Murray of Atholl:

A word about Coats of Arms:

A coat of arms is granted to an individual under Scottish heraldic law (with the exception of civic or corporate arms). A 'family coat of arms' does not exist. With the exceptions noted above, the arms depicted below are personal arms. Only the person who has been granted these weapons has the right to use them. 

Murray, Earl of Annandale's Coat of Arms.

The Murrays of Philiphaugh's Arms

Sir John MURRAY of Broughton was Prince Charles's secretary. Coat of Arms for Murray of Stanhope.

Blair Castle's Duke of Atholl coat of arms

By ScotsTee

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Clan Murray (Tartans, Crest) and The Story Behind


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