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Clan MacKintosh / MacIntosh (Tartans, Crest) and The Story Behind


Gaelic Name: Mac an Tòisich

Clan Crest: A cat-a-mountain salient guardant, Proper

Clan Motto: Touch not the cat bot a glove

Origin of Name: Gaelic, ‘Son of the thane’

Clan Badge: Red whortleberry

Lands: Inverness-shire

Clan Chief: John Lachlan Mackintosh of Mackintosh

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MacKintosh Clan History

Shaw MacDuff, the second son of the Earl of Fife and a member of the royal house of Dalriada, is said to have founded the MacKintosh clan. In the twelfth century, he traveled north with Malcolm IV to put down a rebellion in Morayshire and was granted lands in the Findhorn valley. These lands became the clan's heartland and the final resting place for the clan chiefs.

Shaw was known as "Mac a Toiseach" or "son of the chief" at the time, hence the name MacKintosh. The MacKintosh chiefs navigated the hazards of Scottish history with great skill, even leading the great confederation of clans known as Clan Chattan, though this honor was repeatedly challenged by the MacPherson chiefs over the centuries.

The MacKintosh clan had to fight to maintain their dominance, and they had long-running feuds with the Earls of Moray and Huntly, among others.

One famous feud with the Comyns was supposed to end in a feast of reconciliation, but the Comyns devised a plan to completely destroy the MacKintosh clan. However, they were betrayed by a family member and massacred by MacKintosh clansmen led by their chief Malcolm MacKintosh.

Many MacKintosh clansmen were transported to the Americas after taking part in the Jacobite rising of 1715. In 1745, the clan remained loyal to the Stewarts, and Lady Anne MacKintosh, the absent chief's wife, raised a force of 400 men to join Charles Edward Stewart.

She also received the prince at Moy Hall, the chief's seat. During his visit, a force of 1500 government troops attempted to capture him, but Lady Anne misled them into believing they had walked into the heart of the Jacobite army. As a result, they fled, and the incident became known as the "Rout of Moy," with Lady Anne MacKintosh earning the moniker "Colonel Anne."

Moy Hall, near Moy, south of Inverness, is still the MacKintosh chiefs' seat, as it has been since the 1300s. Over the last 600 years, it has taken on a variety of different forms. Lady Anne Farquharson-MacKintosh, Jacobite supporter and wife of MacKintosh Clan Chief Angus, entertained Charles Edward Stewart there in 1746. The Moy Hall, which was built around 1872, suffered from severe dry rot and was demolished sometime after WWII. It was replaced by a more modest structure, which still houses the bed in which Charles Edward Stewart slept.

MacKintosh Places & People

People of Clan Mackintosh

Lady Anne Farquharson-MacKintosh 

Lady Anne Farquharson-MacKintosh (1723-1787) 

John Farquharson of Invercauld, chief of the Clan Farquharson and ardent Jacobite, gave birth to him in 1723. Angus MacKintosh, Chief of the Clan MacKintosh, was her husband.

When Bonnie Prince Charlie Charles Edward Stuart landed in Scotland in 1745, Anne, who was 22 at the time, forcedfully raised between 200 and 400 men for the Prince from Clan Mackintosh and the Chattan Confederation. Because women could not command in the field, the regiment was assigned to MacGillivray of Dunmaglass. In January 1746, 12 days before the Battle of Falkirk, 'Colonel' Anne's regiment joined the Prince's army at Bannockburn, near Stirling Castle.

A month later, the Prince was staying at Lady Anne's home, Moy Hall. Her mother-in-law informed her that 1,500 of Lord Loudon's men, including her husband's company stationed 8-12 miles away in Inverness, were planning a night raid on Moy Hall in order to capture the Prince (and claim the £30.95,000 bounty). Five of Anne's staff members were sent out with guns to crash around and shout clan battle cries in order to fool the Government forces into thinking they were about to face the entire Jacobite army. The ruse was successful, and the government force fled. The event was dubbed The Rout of Moy.

Her husband and 300 of Loudon's men were apprehended the following month north of Inverness. The Prince released Captain Mackintosh into the custody of his wife, Lady Anne, remarking that "he could not be in better security, or more honourably treated." She famously addressed him as "Your servant, captain," to which he replied, "Your servant, colonel," earning her the moniker "Colonel Anne." The Prince also referred to her as La Belle Rebelle (the beautiful rebel).

Lady Anne was arrested after the Battle of Culloden and placed in the care of her mother-in-law for a time. She later met the Duke of Cumberland with her husband at a social event in London. He requested that she dance to a pro-government song, and she returned the favor by requesting that he dance to a Jacobite song. She passed away in 1787.

Wallace McIntosh (March 7, 1920 – June 4, 2007)

Flight Lieutenant Wallace McIntosh was regarded as the most successful WW2 air gunner in Bomber Command, having shot down eight enemy planes during his RAF career. He downed three German night fighters in a single mission the day after D-Day, which were radar-retrofitted and highly sought-after targets.

Edmund MacIntosh

Ebenezer Mackintosh was a poor shoemaker who lived in the 18th and 19th centuries in New England. He is best known for his role as a mob leader in the Boston Stamp Act riots. More information about Ebenezer MacIntosh and the Boston Riots can be found here.

MacKintosh Tartans

Macintosh Classic

The Macintosh Modern

Ancient MacKintosh Hunting

Modern MacKintosh Hunting

Weathered MacKintosh Hunting

MacKintosh Crest & Coats of Arms

Clan MacKintosh Crest 

Crest Description: A salient cat-a-mountain guardant, Proper

Coats of Arms of MacKintosh

A word about Coats of Arms:

A coat of arms is granted to an individual under Scottish heraldic law (with the exception of civic or corporate arms). A 'family coat of arms' does not exist. With the exceptions noted above, the arms depicted below are personal arms. Only the person who has been granted these weapons has the right to use them.   

Mackintosh's name is MacKINTOSH.

Quarterly, 1st, Or, a lion rampant, Gules, armed and langued, Azure (for MacDuff); 2nd, Argent, a dexter hand, couped, fessways, grasping a man's heart, paleways, Gules; 3rd, Azure, a boar's head, couped, armed, Proper, and langued, Gules; 4th, Or, a lymphad, sails furled, Azure, flagged and surmounted of her oars in saltire, Gules (for Clan Chattan).


Clan MacKintosh Arms Chief


These arms were matriculated in the name of Marion Elizabeth Gwendoline Mackintosh, the daughter of Silvia Marion Mackintosh of Daviot-Kinrara of the Chiefly House of Clan Chattan, on 14 April 1965. Her mother matriculated the same arms as family representative in October 1954, confirming a version of the arms of Lachlan Mackintosh of Kinrara, which were recorded in his name in Volume 1 around 1672.

Marion was heiress-presumptive to her brother Aeneas at the time, as indicated by the red label of three points charged with a white pheon (or arrow head). It is very common (though not required) for a woman's arms to be displayed on a lozenge, sans crest and helmet, and topped by a true lover's knot.

The blazon is as follows: Upon a Shield of lozenge form, Quarterly; per pale and per chevron, Or, a lion rampant Gules, armed and langued Azure (for Wemyss and Macduff); 2nd, Argent, a dexter hand couped fesswise holding a human heart Gules, a label of three points Azure charged with as many bulls' heads cabossed Argent (for Mackin

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