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Clan Binning (Tartans, Crest) and The Story Behind
Clan Crest: A demi horse furnished for a waggon, Proper
Clan Motto: Christo Duce Feliciter (Happily, under the guidance of Christ)
Region: Lowlands
Historic Seat: Binning, in the parish of Uphall, West Lothian
Clan Chief: None, armigerous clan
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Clan Binning History
The name can also be found as Binnie and Binney, and originates in the parish of Uphall, West Lothian, where the Barony of Binning was located.
William de Binnin who was prior of Newbattle was promoted to Crail in 1243.
John de Bynning was infeoffed in some lands in Edinburgh which had been forfeited by John Slingisbie in the reign of David II.
Friar John Benyng was governor of the lands and posessions of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem at Torphichen in 1388.
Symon de Bynninge who was bailie of Aberdeen (1396 – 98) is probably the same Symon Benyn selected to be one of the company accompanying the provost of Aberdeen to the battle of Harlaw in 1411.
John de Benyne was a canon regular of Cambuskenneth Abbey in 1403. William de Benning is recorded as owning a tenement in Edinburgh between 1414 and 1426.
Richard Benyne was the burgess of Perth in 1458 and 1463, and Thomas Benyng was burgess of Aberdeen in 1468
Alexander Bynne had a croft in Aberdeen around 1550 and Sir Robert Bynne was ‘cheplane and singer in the quier’ there in 1555.
John Binnie was heir to Elizabeth Binnie (1574) and James Binnie in Brigend, parish of Morrowingside, (1636) and eight more of the name are recorded in the neighbourhood.
John Binnie was a prisoner in the Tolbooth of Edinburgh in 1681 and John Binnie of Byrs was heir in lands of Drumcross in 1698.
The name was particularly common in Edinburgh in the 17th century.
Clan Binning Places & People
People from Clan Binning
Hugh Binning (1627-1653)
Philosopher and theologian from Scotland.
Hugh Binning was born on his father's estate in Dalvennan, Straiton, Ayrshire. Binning, the son of John Binning and Margaret M'Kell, was a child genius who was admitted to the University of Glasgow at the age of 13 to study philosophy under James Dalrymple, 1st Viscount of Stair. When Stair retired, a national search for a replacement was launched. Huge was chosen as one of three finalists, despite his age (he was only 18 at the time) and lack of Noble Birth. He had strong faculty support, and after hearing his speeches, the other candidates withdrew.
Hugh was appointed an Advocate before the Court of Sessions on February 7, 1648 (at the age of 21). He married Barbara Simpson, the daughter of Rev. James Simpson, an Irish minister, the same year. In 1650, their son, John, was born. He was also called to be a minister in Govan (which was then independent of Glasgow).
Hugh died of consumption in September 1653, at the age of 26, and was buried in Govan churchyard, where Patrick Gillespie, then principal of the University of Glasgow, ordered a Latin monument inscribed:
Mr. Hugh Binning, a man known for his piety and eloquence, educated in philology, philosophy, and theology, a Prelate faithful to the Gospel, and finally an excellent preacher, is buried here. He was taken at the age of 26 in the year of our Lord 1653, in the midst of a series of events. He changed the society of his own land while still alive because he walked with God. And if you want to ask more questions, the others should remain silent because neither you nor the marble can understand it.
Binning was a Covenanter and a John Knox supporter. Despite his philosophical training, he did not regard philosophy and theology as mutually exclusive.
Clan Binning Tartans
There is no official Binning tartan. Binnings, as a sept of Clan MacBean, can, however, wear the MacBean tartan.
MacBean Contemporary
Clan Binning Crest & Coats of Arms
Clan Binning Coat of Arms
Worn by everyone with the same name and ancestry
Description of the Crest:
A demi horse suitable for pulling a waggon.
Coat of Arms of Clan Binning
A word about Coats of Arms:
A coat of arms is granted to an individual under Scottish heraldic law (with the exception of civic or corporate arms). A 'family coat of arms' does not exist. With the exceptions noted above, the arms depicted below are personal arms. Only the person who has been granted these weapons has the right to use them.
Argent, on a bend engrailed sable, a mullet of the first kind
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